The TEN Commandments according to Moses
Moses (1979? - 2000)
Moses lived to be over 20 years old. And when a cat lives that long, he has the opportunity to amass a great deal of experience in the ways of the world. And, Moses knew hardship as well. In fact, when he was 18 years old, he was abandoned, sick and injured, in an animal shelter. Through the kindness of two of the staff, he escaped from the shelter with his life.
After overcoming these odds, he had time to consider just how he wants all catdom to be treated. Here are his TEN COMMANDMENTS for cat caretakers. They are directed to you, the human owned by one or more felines.
I. Neuter or spay your cat at the EARLIEST age possible. It is totally unacceptable to have ANY kittens as that can ONLY increase the cat overpopulation problem and the suffering of the feline species. II. When you adopt a cat, you make a commitment until death do you part. (And it is not fair arranging for the death of a healthy companion.) III. A cat is NOT a toy. Always treat him or her with the respect due a loyal friend. IV. Fresh, clean water will always be available within easy reach. V. Fresh food will be put out every day. And it is part of your job to be sure kitty is eating. You will not allow more than two days inappetance to go by without seeking medical help. VI. Shelter appropriate to the season will always be provided. And the very best shelter is inside your home. There is nothing necessary to a cat's well-being outside ... and danger lurks EVERYWHERE! VII. A place acceptable to the cat will be provided for attending to nature's call. It can be hidden away, but not too far away. The litter will be cleaned daily; more often if necessary. VIII. Medical attention will be provided promptly when something goes wrong and at least yearly for general maintenance and kitty tune-ups. IX. You are occasionally required to provide a lap for your cat's comfort. X. Remember, a cat is a cat and must be allowed to do catly things. No cat should be punished for being a cat. If there are behaviors that you do not approve of, but they are part of being a cat, it is your job to channel these in acceptable ways. For example, provide a scratching post for a cat to exercise it's catly right to claw maintenance. After all, if you didn't want a feline companion, why did you get one?
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